About Us


Ten Toes was first envisioned in 2020 by owner Darin March during a period of time when he was facing one of the most challenging times of his life. During this time he decided that he would continue to embody and push the mission of staying “ten toes” in life. Meaning you stay true, stand solidified, and remain firm in the principles, beliefs, goals, and aspirations that shape you into who you are as an individual, despite the trials and tribulations that you face. He wanted to create a way for people who could relate to the mission and vision of being ten toes to be a part of a community where everyone feels included and connected. He began putting his efforts into researching the needs and necessities of starting a clothing brand. Which he felt would be the universal way for people to symbolize what they stand for as unique individuals through expressive ways in fashion, while still being part of a larger collective that represents the main core values of being ten toes. The process was put in motion from that point forward and Darin used the greater half of 2021 to develop his business plan and model. The vision was set in stone when Ten Toes became an official LLC in October of 2021. Ten Toes is here now in 2022 still growing and developing into something bigger than just a clothing brand, it’s growing into an entire movement and lifestyle. This brand is something that will transcend worldwide from generation to generation, and we stand Ten Toes on that.